Leave Behind a Lifeline
Estate or planned gifts are excellent opportunities to support the Edmonton Humane Society during and following your lifetime.
Planned giving is an option for donors of all income levels and may allow you to make a larger gift than you otherwise could from your current assets. A planned gift may also let you receive an income stream for life, while reducing capital gains or estate taxes. By including the Edmonton Humane Society in your financial planning, you can provide a legacy that will benefit animals for generations to come.

Examples of estate and planned giving instruments include wills and living trusts, life insurance or retirement beneficiary designations, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts and life estate in personal residence or farm. All are wonderful ways to support the Edmonton Humane Society. We would be pleased to discuss options with you but also recommend that you speak with your accountant or financial advisor to determine what’s best for you.
As we take steps every day towards ending the crisis of pet overpopulation, abuse and neglect, we depend on the generous support of fellow animal lovers in our community. Please let us know if we can provide any assistance during your planning process. We’ll be glad to explore options that benefit you, your family, and the animals. Following are a few examples.
One way to give is with a bequest. Your will or trust can designate that a specific amount be transferred as a gift to the Edmonton Humane Society. Such a gift can take the form of cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, or any type of asset. You may also give a percentage of your estate. The bequest lets you pass on your gift to the Edmonton Humane Society free of tax.
Life Insurance
Edmonton Humane Society can be a way to make a significant donation even though you may not be a wealthy person. If you have existing policies for which you no longer need the coverage, consider assigning ownership to the Edmonton Humane Society. By naming the Edmonton Humane Society as both owner and beneficiary, you get a tax deduction as well as make a generous gift at low cost. You may take an immediate tax deduction for the cost basis or surrender value, whichever is less.
Living Trust
A living trust is often a good supplement to a will for those who wish to avoid the time and expense of probate. There are many kinds of trusts for many different purposes. But they all have one thing in common: they are a means of assuring that your property will be handled, and ultimately passed on, in the way you wish.
EHS has partnered with LawDepot to offer our supporters an easy way to donate through planned giving. By creating a Last Will and Testament with LawDepot, you can leave a planned gift to the Edmonton Humane Society. If you already have a Last Will you can use a Gift Deed instead.
For every document created, you will receive a 15% discount and the Edmonton Humane Society will receive a 15% commission.
*Charitable Registration number 119231066RR0001
Name: Edmonton Humane Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
The Edmonton Humane Society is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.
Thank you for your interest in helping to continue the work of the Edmonton Humane Society through an estate or planned gift.
The Edmonton Humane Society, is not funded by taxes or government grants, and relies on the support of members, dedicated volunteers and the community to accomplish its mission. The Edmonton Humane Society is a non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. We recommend you keep the following information with your estate planning records:
For more information, please call (780) 491-3507 or email giving@edmontonhumanesociety.com.