Pet Pantry


Lending a paw to help feed animals in our community

If you or someone you know is struggling to feed their pet – we can help. Our Pet Pantry program helps pet guardians facing financial barriers access food and supplies for their companion animals.

Note: Only currently existing household animals are eligible at this time. Newly acquired animals or litters are not currently supported by this program.

How the Program Works

Apply online

with our no questions asked application process. If approved, we will contact you to book a pickup appointment.

Once accepted

you can pickup food and supplies once a month for 1 year.

Pickups run 7 days a week

by appointment only – from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at our shelter.

For questions about the program or if you require additional support, please contact us by phone at 780-491-3522 or email