We are so sorry for the loss of your beloved pet. The Edmonton Humane Society offers both private and general cremation services. In cases of private cremation, the owner will receive ashes back within 1 to 3 weeks, whereas ashes will not be provided for general cremation services.
We offer two options for urns: wood and ceramic. Wood urns come in small and large sizes, with the option of dark or medium-coloured wood. Ceramic urns come in small, medium, and large sizes. Options are available for matte or pearl ceramic urns, as well as 15 colour options.
Optional paw print impressions are available with your cremation.
Cremation Fees:
Due to Alberta Veterinary Medical Association regulations we are not permitted to post rates for cremation. For information please call 780-491-3522
An appointment is required for our cremation services. To book, please call 780-491-3522.
Please note: the Edmonton Humane Society is no longer offering euthanasia services.